Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Dani's been wanting to find another kitty friend because she's real tired of Dada and I during this pandemic.

So today Dani has invited June from Ann's Zoolatry blog to be her guest star.  June is still a toddler, but Dani thinks she can help her along by teaching her efurrything she knows (O Noes!).

Apparently these little guys will eat just about anything that will go down their tiny throats.  So don't worry about hedgehogs competing for your food.  They're happy eating bugs (and the grubbier, the better).

Hi Gene!  Do you think you could come over and give Dani a lesson in COVID PURRotocol?

Well, get a different job so you won't be a Tech Style anymore, 
and learn to ride a bike, willya?

And when you bite into it, it turns into a POP-over!

So now it's time to welcome June to Dani's blog.  June has never been a guest star before, so she's very excited about it.

Well, now June has gone all hyPURR on us.  If I didn't know better, I might think she was going to batter up all those bats and deep-fry 'em.  Take my advice, little one, and just bat your big, beautiful eyes at them.  Then you won't have to go to jail.

You'd be a natural at poke-her!

So now Dani has the great idea of introducing June to her angel-sisfur Domino who absolutely adores polka-dots.  So much so, that Domino has even taken up Dominoes.  And she wants to teach June how to play.  

Even with Domino's spotty record, she still earned her angel wings (which also have tiny, almost invisible dots).  However, they don't like you to gamble in PURRadise. That's why she visits Earth so she can still have a good game of Dominoes, and maybe make a little moulah on the side (for charity, of course).

So after meeting June for the furst time, Domino invited her to come over on Saturday for some tea, some dominoes, and of course for Domino herself.  After all junior June looks at Domino as being her mentor, especially when it comes to all things dotty.

"There is no dotted line I woodn't cross for Domino (eggcept fur the Pearly Gates).  I is much too yung for that"  says June after careful consideration.

Even the teaset has polka-dots! (Not surprising really.)
Well-spotted, June.

And don't worry about Dani.  She's got more than all the time in the world  -- infinity, in fact -- to catch up with Domino.  So now that Domino's gone back home, Dani can get to know June better.

Besides Dani's not really into playing dominoes, only in CATmunicating with her winged sisfur.  All is well that never ends.

So all I have to say about that is



easyweimaraner said...

Hi Dani Girl, da June kitty send us to say Hi and to wish you a fabulous tuesday...

Zoolatry said...

Hi Dani ~ I was so happy and meowing-out-loud to spend time with you (and Miss Domino) today! What fun it was being silly and phunny together. I hope we can do it again sometime. I need to make mine Mommy be funnier, too ... happy Tuesday girlfriend. MEOW!

The Florida Furkids said...

How nice to have June come visit. We were happy to see Domino too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good Job to both of you, stand up comedy is your thing. lots of chuckles today and I love the Knows how to poke-her.. who knew there were two kitties who love polkadots. as for me the human love the polka dot teapots

Sandee said...

I visit June five days a week so it's nice to see her over here. She did a great job too. I know you helped her because she's still a junior. Well done.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

My Mind's Eye said...

Hidey Ho one and all you made me giggle
A salt and battery!!
Hugs cecilia

Marvelous Marv said...

We have followed you guys furever (well since angel Nellie Bellie was in love with Dante) and we are so happy to see Dani with June! June is the dottiest cat since Domino! Its punny that you two are such great wordy jokers! Thanks for the laughs!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well now, that was quite the fun visit, you two are a good team!

The Swiss Cats said...

Nice to meet you, Dani ! What a fun visit ! Purrs

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Hee hee, what fun! Thanks for the grins and giggles!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

You are going to love June. She is a top rated cat.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Hello Dani and Angel Domino! Nice to meet you...we are 6 angel Meezers, one Angel pup, and two hooligans...oh yes, us hooligans woof a lot...You are quite the pair of jokesters and now you've got June joining your punny and giggle maker gang! Could you hear me laughing all the way over in Canada??
Those polka dots sure are lively things! Your Domino and June sure can rock them.
The tea service set is a very special set with all their own dottiness!

(Petcretary worked in your city for about 9 years before she came to Michigan...cause, well, she married an American Dude. All the rest of her own family still are in Canada.)