Friday, July 26, 2024


 Dani has returned again for another comedy show with her leading off her Friends in the Zone.  As usual, Dani does a double to start things off, followed by June of Zoolatry in spots three and four.

Next up are Titan, then Tinslee both from Brian's Home Forever.

 Mudpie of Mochas,Mysteries,Meows continues the lineup.

Rudy and Dusty of 15andMeowing do a double and then that Katie Isabella of Katie Isabella naps through hers.

Trixie of Purr-sonally Speaking learns some new tricks and then introduces Tripod Sissycat of MessyMimisMeanderings for her debut.

Finally, our old friend Flynn and his Dad from Memories of Eric and Flynn close out the lineup.

Today, however, we have the results of the Best Hairball Competition which are unprecedented.

So let's head off to join our friends in the ultimate reveal ...




Only three people voted, so this was bound to happen.  

Messy Mimi of liked the Glitterati hairball most.  It is shown first in all its glittery glory.  And it's the only sausage-shaped one.  June must have horked long and hard to get that thing out of her mouth!  And she must have had quite the sparkling smile afterwards.

Precious of thought June's Mom, Ann, would be proud that she had first place (even if shared).  The second one shown is Ann's.  I must say her hairball was the best match for her hair colour.  So symmetrical, too.

And Katie Isabella of is all for the Mousie's hairball.  It is the last of the three.  There was lots of love packed in there.  It was very hearty!  Can you imagine how long it would take a mouse to collect all of that?

Here is the original meme from last Friday so you'll know what I've been talking about.  Unfortunately I didn't explain it well enough last week.

ConCATulations to all who tied.
It's nice not to leave any loose ends.

Imagine a contest with no LOOSERS!

Bingo! 'er I mean BONGO ...

Friday, July 19, 2024


 Dani's awake and diving right into it, even though it's only 5 a.m.!  She likes to get an early start on Funny Feline Friday and gather the FITZ all around her.  Dani's up to bat first with a quick one, two.

Her bestie, June of Zoolatry, is her most faithful follower, fulfilling both her topical Hairball role and demonstrating how to talk to your pillow.

Next are Simon using his Monorail, and Titan being cozy, both of Brian's Home -- Forever.

Katie Isabella of Katie Isabella seems to have a fear of her Mom's fingernails.

Then, we have Mudpie of Mochas,Mysteries,Meows, playing from inside a bubble.

Dusty of 15andMeowing has upped her game this week, and talking about bubbles, she has more than her fair share!

Doggie friend Cookie and her close friend Emmie of MessyMimisMeanderings make the cutest, cuddliest duo.

Calli Callou from Purr-sonally Speaking makes her first appearance inside where she is spoiled as she should be.

Finally, there's the proverbial Eric of Memories of Eric and Flynn.  Sorry to say, but it's OVER!

Let's dig in ...

    Why doncha tell us who you think should win Best Hairball when you leave a comment?  
June's is The Glitterati
June's Mom's is Hairy
Mousey's is Heartified
We'll announce the winner next Friday when we return.





When your heart's
in your stomach,
let it go!

Monday, July 15, 2024


 Here is Dani in July 2017 at around five months of age.

It didn't take Dani long to become a fashionista, so I can only assume it was in her genes.

"Mooooooooooom! I don't wear jeans.  Pants isn't my fing.  I LOVES MY DRESSES!!!"

Well, they are very pretty and they keep you cooler in the hot weather.  There's nothing like a stiff breeze up the skirt -- who needs air conditioning?

"Well, you gots dat rite" says Dani.  "Dresses is enviromentally friendly!  I always loves to make a new friend.  In fact, I think I'll go shoppin' and see how much I kin do ta save da planit."

Here's another shot of Dani in her little blue and mauve number.

But when she came back from the mall, all Dani was wearing was a Crown,

"A liddle birdie told me, crowns is da IN fing.  An' wen yoo wears one dey hasta call yoo Majesty!  I sure cud get used ta dis."

An', by da way ...
... Buttahflies is fwee!