Dani's leading off with our Valentine's Day post, harkening back to her previous heart-filled days from the first up to the present.
June of Zoolatry has disguised herself so her Mom won't find her and then give her a lecture on boxes afterwards.
Dani's leading off with our Valentine's Day post, harkening back to her previous heart-filled days from the first up to the present.
June of Zoolatry has disguised herself so her Mom won't find her and then give her a lecture on boxes afterwards.
This is a picture of Dani in the front garden with snow. Her Dada's legs are photographed from behind as he descends the porch steps.
I used the Pixala app for all of the following effects (Untitled) and then used a different Pro Frame for each of them.
Dani's caddy will break the ice today so you can all have a nice cold cuppa ice tea. She has one more meme which follows.
This is Dani and her Dada communing on the front porch back in February 2018. There was snow on the ground but tempurratures were mild. Dani had just turned one year old a few days prior.
This is serious stuff, and by 'stuff' I mean love.
Dani is starting off today with some serious issues: Climate Change and Burritoes. So let's let her have at it.
June of Zoolatry, on the other paw, is just plain silly.
Simon and Maxwell of Brian's Home -- Forever, each give their opinion from a cat's point of view.
Next up is Brody from 15andMeowing who has come to an agreement about taking her meds.
Katie Isabella of Katie Isabella aPAWlogizes by going on the offensive.
Mudpie of Mochas,Mysteries,Meows is not big on chewing veggies. Instead she eschews them ie., avoids them intentionally.
Mama Duck and her ducklings have made an appearance directly from the pages of MessyMimisMeanderings blog.
Shimshi of Purr-sonally Speaking is all about eradiCATing wrinkles, be they on his face, or on his covers.