Friday, December 15, 2023


 So let's start off with Dani.  She has two funnies; the first one is recycled but purrfect for this time of year, and the other is brand new.

June of Zoolatry is often very jingly at this time of year, now she has help.  She also has a tempurr and I'd hate to see what that looks like in real life.

Kiki and Maxwell of Brian's Home fill some of their pre-Christmas days with MEWSing and PAWndering.

Katie Isabella of Katie Isabella must have jumped further along the line of evolution since last we met.

Tuffy of 15andMeowing isn't anywhere near being prepared for Christmas.

Mudpie of Mochas,MysteriesandMeows isn't very happy about a gift she received.

Messi the dog of Purr-sonally Speaking is very proud of his progress.

And finalement, Eric and Flynn of Memories of Eric and Flynn are paying their dues for partying hearty.

One, Two, Three ... GO!!!


Lynn and Precious said...

Meowy Christmas it right! these kitties are way smarter than
hoomans any day. Fun-kneeee!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were fun ones, each and every one!

pilch92 said...

You are so clever. Thanks for the chuckles and for including Tuffy. XO

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

These are all fun! I can't remember the photo you used for Eric and Flynn. It is unusual for Eric to be in a box. Flynn looks like he has over indulged in the nip!

messymimi said...

Such clever fun, as always. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

The J-Cats said...

These are all so cute. Messi will be so pleased - he has never been a meme before!