Dani's turning five today! The time has gone so fast from kittenhood to now, that I can hardly believe it.
This is Dani kitten before she came home
to us at eleven weeks of age.
So Dani's throwing a party at our house (hopefully she'll pick it up afterwards). You're all invited, too, if you want to drop by! Get ready to mingle with some real angels, Dante, Dylan and Domino, and a mystery angel who shall be nameless for the nonce.
Of course, the earthbound are well represented, too. Otherwise it would just be tangled wings and a big heap of feathers with a 'Halo Kitty' scattered here and there.
It's getting pretty wild, so I hope the raucus ruckus won't keep anyone at bay. The cake is quite speCATular! Made with cats in mind it's adorned with pink and blue fish. The concept comes from the mind of Dr. Suess except his "One Fish, Two Fish" were red and blue.
Aside from the fishy cake there are bowls of gourmet kibble efurrywhere, party-style cat treats, and catnip for the taking (if you don't take it, it won't have that party, party, party effect). Of course fresh water is always available, and milk for those who are so inclined. We like to keep our guests well hydrated.
And for your collective entertainment, Dani is hosting a special night at her comedy club, at your pleasure, as well as hers.
Feel free to use the litter boxes in the laundry room, and don't worry because the washer and dryer will not be turned 'On'.
Here's the lineup:
June of Zoolatry
Domino of Wendy's 3-D Cats
Dylan & Dante of Wendy's 3-D Cats
Dante of All About Lacocoon Dante
Sox, Guest Star of O Dani Girl
Dani of O Dani Girl
Mystery Guests
June already had her V-8. There's always Vroom for juice -- especially Jus de Mousie.
Organically soiled!
After asking
"Wot's LEFT any more?", Dante becomes an ardent supporter of TRANS RIGHTS!
Dante, Master of 'Marshmallow Arts'.
"Eau de litterbox" -- my fafurite!
Pearls of Wisdom from his nibbles, Harry Styles!
HISStory versus History
They're both One-of-a-Kind! (luckily they each represent different Kinds).
We hope you enjoyed the show. Stick around and mingle, tingle, dingle and dangle. But don't hang out on the roof in case you inadvertently catch a shingle or two -- or more.
May she live long and prosPURR!