Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 Dani is distraught at all the leaves that are left on the ground after falling from the trees.  Many of them are still whole and bright with colour.

“I finks we cud provides releafs to a lotta peeples an’ dere pets if we yoosed dis wonnaful resorse” says Dani.

Yes, Dani I think you’re right.  

“We shud takes a lesson frum nachur.  Efun da teeniest creechurs has releafs by catchin' a ride frum fallin’ leafs.  Dey looks like dey is haffin’ a ball!”

I guess that ‘falls’ under the category of Entertainment, says I.

And speaking of having a ball, here is an innovative use of preserved autumn leaves.

“Yes” responds Dani.  “It wud adds ta any daycor.”

You can preserve autumn leaves or even green leaves with glycerin and then after they dry ...

          ... make a lovely autumn wreath for your front door.

"So daycor an' nite-cor, den"  adds Dani, trying hard to be helpful.

"Yoo kin also makes a pritty rezin bowl wif da bestest leafs." 

Either indoor or outdoor decor, says me.  And now we come to the part that Dani is most excited about:


All of these purrses are made from real leaves, along with other plant materials, into a leather-like substance.  They are also labelled 'Vegan' though you don't eat them, of course.

Red maple leaf tote

Amber and red maple leaf shoulder-purrse

They even make wallets, journals, credit card cases and other sundry items out of the real thing.

Vegan leather leaves animals out of the picture (in a good way).  

"Way ta go!  I doan wanna haff any pawt in bein' turned inta a PURRse efun doe dey is wunna my fafurite fings."


Good point, Dani.

"Ooh!  I reely likes dese wuns!!!  

This stunning necklace is made out of a genuine sugar maple leaf which has been dipped in iridescent coppurr.

"An' it efun has matchin' ear rings doe I'm not so fonda ear rings myself.  Whoo wonts ta haff ringin' in dere ears anyway?  Mama has ringin' in her ears, but she's jus' old" opines Dani.


Beleaf it or not, this one they call a fascinator.
"Well yoo hasta admits it IS fassinatin'!"

A Vegan Palm Leaf Hat
"Gess dey're gonna try ta palm dis off on sumbuddy
 but not me!"

And finally, (or finalement as they say in French) Dani is wearing her homemade leaf hat with both handcrafted necklace and purrse.

"Dat's not as WEARIN' as yoo tryin' ta show off yoor French" counters Dani.


"Ya, VWALA!!!  Wotevah dat is."


So ...

Some sayings just never get old. 

Pee Ess:  "Wot duz yoo call leafs dey lets sit on da ground?"


Good for advertising all your leafy creations.
Releaf efforts really never end.

(Sumfin like dis post)


Sandee said...

I think you came up with lots of wonderful ways to use autumn leaves. I love the purses the best.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

da tabbies o trout towne said...

oh my cod these purses are FABulous dani and I daresay I am going to head over to the all things handbags store pronto and see if I can order 35 or so and I truly appreciate the tip and hope you have a great day with hugs from dai$y =^..^= ♥♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are a very creative girl sweet Dani!