Thursday, August 24, 2017


Dani was out in the garden last night when she met a fairy.

The stars were twinkling and there was an aura of magic about.

"Who are yoo?" asked Dani.

"Why I'm your fairy CATmother!"  replied the fairy.
"I can give you anything you wish."

"I alreddy has a good home an' lotsa toys an' food" said Dani.
"But I shur likes yoor wings and yoor wand.  Kin I haff sum, too?"

"Of course you can, my love!" said the fairy and with three swishes of her wand Dani was transformed.

"My stars!" exulted Dani.  "My fairy CATmuddah has made me da happiest kitten in da world."

Yes indeed, Dani was given a beautiful gown in bright pink and purrple with wings attached.  She also has a flower crown on her pretty head, and sparkling beads around her neck.  

"But best of all I has my own wand so I kin grant wishes to uddahs!"

Dani is only too excited to 'Paw it Forward' at the first opPURRtunity.
One last little surprise that her fairy CATmother left for Dani was a pouch full of fairy dust along with ...

... Instructions for Use.

And the very next night, Dani did just that!

Her friend Ginger will never be quite the same.
Luckily, in her case it's a good thing.

Moral of the Story:  Always be careful what you swish for.


Brian's Home Blog said...

You may have found a part-time job there sweet Dani!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dani....may I say you make a FABulous fairy cat mother ~~~~~~ and your necklace is stunning ~~~~~~ hugs from dai$y =^..*= ♥♥

pilch92 said...

Awww..that is so sweet.