Friday, June 21, 2024


It's Friday and time for Dani and the FITZ to try out their comedic charms.  Dani starts off with the furst two, followed by June of Zoolatry with two more.

Then comes a two by two with Chipper and Simon and Tyler and Tinslee weighing in from Brian's Home - Forever.

Katie Isabella of Katie Isabella takes an impressive stance, and Rosie of 15andMeowing is hot, hot, hot!

Mudpie of Mochas,Mysteries,Meows is quite pleasing, and Cookie with Emmie of MessyMimi'sMeanderings play ball!

Caspurr of Purr-sonally Speaking unstuffs himself and finally, Flynn of Memories of Eric and Flynn goes potty!

And that wraps it up until next week.  See y'all, then ...

O Happy Day!


ZOOLATRY said...

First ~ love the new Summer Header and wallpaper, beautiful colors and design! Nice complement and contrast at the same time to Dani's colors ... As for all of this weeks puns,
"pun-ishingly" funny yet again. You go girl!

Lynn and Precious said...

These lovely kitties had some pooting goin' on. Katie is a standup kinda gurl.
And Flynn, did you git cleaned up fur Sunday go to meetin'?

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Wendy,
Dani is a true class act indeed!
Hah, released claws is like walking on heels...
Oh June, she is all about the Treaty and it shows!
A fun form of flatulence.
Chipper indeed takes some hard blows from Simon.
Love the stair/stare steppers—wonderful alphabet soup.
Katie Isabella is an amazing upstanding kitty indeed.
Rosie knows some valuable tips for being a master milliner.
Mudpie just has the sweetest–content face.
Emmie certainly picked up where Cookie left it...
Caspurr is getting close to being a stuffie.
Flynn is hilarious with his high five (Jean) after literally going potty.
Our kitties love going potty on the patio—curling up around a shrub and snoozing.
Mariete + Kitties

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I love these! Flynn's pose just cracks me up.

The J-Cats said...

We love all these.

Katie Isabella said...

Flynn! I swear! YOU are something!
Loved seeing everybuddy being caught in the act! And me, the mom of my Client was there holding the dish while I rose up to get it. BUT I am glad to be called upstanding! And Shimshi's mommy said I looked like I was conducting an orchestra or her Caterwauling Club!

XXOO to Dani , O Beautiful One

messymimi said...

Heeheehee! Thank you, again, for all your hard work with these, you bring so many smiles and so much laughter. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!