Monday, June 3, 2024


 These are pictures of Dani in her first year, exploring her new territory.

I likes ta sit in the garden so it kin help me sprout.
But I hopes dey doan 'shoots' me in da foot first!

I can't go anywares until I gets a "bye-your-leave."
Uh-oh, I furgot ta read da Evicshun Claws!

I tried ta giff succor to dese suckahs but dey jus' wasn't haffin' it!
Dis is wot dey gets fur bein' snippy.

I heard dat peaches is clingy but I duzn't wanna encourage dem.
I'm reddy ta call in da fuzz if needs be.

Many years later, Dani rose to the occasion!


Lynn and Precious said...

Sweet Dani, how yer kitten face moved Lynn. She says Seney had the kitten face back afore my great great granny was thought of. I came with a big girl face, mol. We love all
these photos of you. You are still a kitten compared to me. I'll be a teenager in the Fall. Precious

Sandee said...

You were such a cute kitten and you're a most beautiful cat. A diva indeed.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Wendy,
Dani has such a soft snout, you just would like to kiss her and almost bite her as she looks adorably edible!
Does she have a tiny heart shape on the top of her head—what a precious marking.
Enjoy the spring.
Mariette + Kitties

pilch92 said...

Time flies, I didn't think you were born in 2017. XO

M Dawson said...

Sorry we are late. It's King's Birthday Weekend. a formal holiday to celebrate Britain's monarch and we get busy doing nothing!

It is lovely to see you looking so beautiful. You always make me smile. Have a good week sweetheart.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You've always been such a beauty!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Stunning and beautiful, that's you sweet Dani!

messymimi said...

Those are lovely "kitten in the garden" photos.