Friday, October 27, 2023


 Dani is back with a tour de farce of her funny friends.  Sometimes the force leaves her and she is just not able to come up with anything at all.

Dani is first off with two new jokes which she lapurred to produce.  Her bestie June of Zoolatry follows right behind.

Then from Brian's Home are Simon and Maxwell, trying to cheer efurryone up.  Thereafter, Trouble of 15andMeowing is just being true to himself.

Our old friends Ernie of Island Cats and Katie Isabella of Katie Isabella both make appearances in that order.

Mudpie of Mochas,Mysteries,and Meows is happy to be back.  And Newbie Billy from Messy Mimi's Meandering sneaks in there for the first time.

We conclude with Flynn of Memories of Eric and Flynn who is having a blast.

So that's today's round-up and we hope you will be roundly entertained!

Here's ........... Dani!!!


pilch92 said...

These are all great. Thanks for including Trouble. And I see lucky Simon found a Morel mushroom. I have only found them one time. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

These are so fun!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were all fun ones! That Simon has been holding out on us!

messymimi said...

You are so clever! It's always fun to see what you will come up with next.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

Katie Isabella said...

Dani, you are always clever, yes and I have to tell you each one of these is a blast! I loved them! I can't even say which is the sweetest or the funniest as they ALL are. Honestly. If my Mom and I had the task of numbering these farces each one, then each one would be a #1!!!!! YOU are the cat's meow. And your gorgeous Maine Coon face is just stunning!

Lynn and Precious said...

How fun all these kitties are. They just speak to me with their faces and your captions. Sorry I'm always so late, lol.