Since this is Dani's first Thanksgiving, she's all excited, and never moreso than to taste-test turkey out of the oven (instead of just a can).
"It duzn't hurt ta look like a turkey eidah" says she.
"Mama tells me dey cant reely fly, so dat makes 'em easy pickins!"
Unfortunately, they don't know when to 'leaves' well enough alone.
And that's why we call them TURKEYS!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Yup, we're celebratin' tomorrow, too, although Peep #1 is usin' today to make pies and stuff. Wish she'd make nip pie but OH NO... Pumpkin pie it is. MOUSES!
Happy Thanksgiving beautiful Dani!
Happy Thanksgiving!
happy thanksgiving to you dani and mom and dad as well !!!!!! ♥♥♥
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