Friday, January 31, 2025


 Dani is starting off today with some serious issues:  Climate Change and Burritoes.   So let's let her have at it.

June of Zoolatry, on the other paw, is just plain silly.

Simon and Maxwell of  Brian's Home -- Forever, each give their opinion from a cat's point of view.

Next up is Brody from 15andMeowing who has come to an agreement about taking her meds.

Katie Isabella of Katie Isabella aPAWlogizes by going on the offensive.

Mudpie of  Mochas,Mysteries,Meows is not big on chewing veggies.  Instead she eschews them ie., avoids them intentionally.

Mama Duck and her ducklings have made an appearance directly from the pages of MessyMimisMeanderings blog.

Shimshi of Purr-sonally Speaking is all about eradiCATing wrinkles, be they on his face, or on his covers.

Finally, Eric of  Memories of Eric and Flynn closes out the show with an oPURRatic rendition!

And while this may look like Dani, it is not.  This is Dodo who is a distant cousin (and Dani wants to keep it that way).  Poor guy seems confused.  We better get him inside and brush off that snow!


Katie Isabella said...

Belated Happy Birfday precious Dani!!!! And I loved each and every one of those fun pictures you posted for us. Yes...I will never own up to making a mess. You ought to see my room! Mom is pleased to call it her computer room but there is nothing but MY things all over the room in here except that Macintosh computer!!! Seeing you up front in your Winter outfit when I got over here to see you was a pleasure for the eyes! Love you, Dani.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dani, yur cuzin doez look like ewe ‼️‼️ pawsum 😺😺wavez two ewe dood, nice two meet ewe 💙💚🐟

Lynn and Precious said...

We'll do a little chin waggin' of our own by saying these are great. Brody is the main mancat fur Precious these days. And just check out Katie and her toys.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Dani has a handsome cousin! These are all fun pics . The boys had brrritoes in this week's post too.

messymimi said...

Heeheehee! You tickle my fancy every time. The cousin certainly looks like he needs rescue. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

These are all too cute!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are goodies! I think Brody did a mighty fine job!

pilch92 said...

These are all great. I love June's chin-ups. Thanks for including Brody. XO

Katie Isabella said...

Your Cousin looks so much like you I meant to say in my earlier comment, except YOU are very feminine and he certainly is not. Quite handsome though. Love your chapeau, Dani.

The J-Cats said...

It is so good to have you back, Dani! These are all furry funny.