Saturday, August 3, 2024


Here is one of my favourite pictures of Dani.  It may not be eye-deal, but it has a lot of character.  That character oozes from Dani's right eye (and it isn't even infected)!  It is almost malificent.  Boy, Dani and Angelina could conceivably team up for Pawt II.  Malificent the Twoth, here they come.

The original picture is actually special on its own.  The light and shadow falls unexpectedly, here and there.  This is nature's art at its best.  I did, however, amp up the contrast a wee bit.

But, of course, I had to mess with it more.

Basically, I experimented with various filters in Photolab, and then I added a bit of extra glow with the Light Pen in Fotorus.  Believe me there was lots to choose from and I have a problem restraining myself.  So here are my final picks, though, truth be told, my preference is for the original.

I don't fancy myself a good photographer. Rather I am a person with a decent camera which I still don't know much about, not a bad eye (even though I can only function when wearing very thick glasses), and a desire to make Dani look good.  It's the least (emphasis on 'least') I can do.

These are the results of my fiddling around online. The pictures are so large due to a quirk in the Fotorus App.  For these Strips of photos, they only offer sizes that are too difficult to see -- no, not because of my eyesight, but because the sizes were hardcoded by the developer.  So you have your choice of miniscule or enormous.  I've tried many a time to resize them, but that hard coding ain't budging one bit.  No wonder they call it Hard!

Anyway, TMI.  The proof is in the puddytat!

See ya!


Lynn and Precious said...

You must be one patient person to do so good with these photos in color.
I am so PC illiterate that I do not even look for ways to make these kinds
of pictures. Dani just one eyed looks purrfect in every color.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Wendy,
Indeed, Dani looks almost malificent but of course she is NOT in real life.
Guess we all can produce that look for a certain moment...
The first photo following the original is a good one too and there is one more down below.
You are clever in figuring this all out!
Mariette + Kitties

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It is a lovely photo, and all the creations are beautiful. You should be able to resize the photos as you upload them with Blogger. When they are still in draft you can click on the photo and you will get a row of options come up above or below the actual photo, the right hand one gives you the choice to resize S M L XL.

Zoolatry said...

All are beautiful, but as you yourself mentioned, I think the original is preferred ... nonetheless it is fun and interesting to experiment with the colors, the filters and such.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Those are all great effects and one beautiful eye!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That really is a fun photo sweet Dani and such pretty art too!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

These are SO beautiful!

The J-Cats said...

Actually, the humungeous size makes the pictures even more interesting!

messymimi said...

That's a really neat series of photos!