Friday, May 17, 2024


 Well, today we have thrown a few old 'uns into the mix, along with the usual crowd.

The first is Dani with an iteration of the the old saying "loose lips sink ships".  This is followed by one of my neighbour's pets, Figaro, who is trying to get closer to the sassy black squirrel.  Then, there's a very old one from more than twenty years ago which features two of Moms friends, and our cat Dylan who is now an angel.

June of Zoolatry follows with two new ones, with Tyler and Titan, then Chipper in a solo, all of  Brian's Home.

Mudpie of Mochas,Mysteries,Meows is taking sockology lessons to help understand her peeps better, while Rudy of 15andMeowing has completed his studies.

Shimshi of Purr-sonally Speaking has left his stamp on his country.

Cueball of  MessyMimisMeanderings wants to leave his mark on his CATmunity.

Finally, Eric of Memories of Eric and Flynn goes down the rabbit hole.

So let's not dally, Dani's all ready to go ...

Primarily Colour-coded Cat


Lynn and Precious said...

Dear Dani, you gotz da company today fur sure! Dat June Bug knows her ability fur shopping on line. And Mudpie, keep an eye on the tootsies in those socks.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Dani,
LOVE your loose tongue image!
Figaro dreaming of a nutty tasting squirrel...
June indeed went straight to the bottom line!
Such sweet image of Tyler and Titan!
Chipper means business with his Ducky.
Mudpie indeed is deep into SOCKology.
Rudy adheres to his lessons learned...
Shimshi is very clear with her PURRPETual stamp!
Cueball no doubt is leaving his mark on the Catmunity.
Guess Eric mean real business with his HOLE–istic approach.

pilch92 said...

These are all punny. Thanks for including Rudy. XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were so good and Rudy is a cutie!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I love these! The black squirrel one cracked me up. (I've never seen a black squirrel in person!) And isn't that Chipper a total cutie pie???

messymimi said...

Oh, how I enjoy your humor! Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday.

Katie Isabella said...

I loved all of these. That black squirrel one made me laugh too with his filled with peanut buttuh and tasting all the bettuh! All of them are fun! XO

The J-Cats said...

Thanks for cheering Us up. So many bad things have been happening here...

R's Rue said...

Happy Monday