Tuesday, October 6, 2020


 Dani's taking it easy today and is having a nap in the autumn sunshine.

How sweet she is!  

And while Dani was sleeping, she had a dream.
  She was in the jungle (some may call it a garden) and spied an orange and purple butterfly.

Then there was the inevitable yawn ... and Dani's dream came to life!  Her mouth was in the purrfect pawsition to snap it right up.

"Dere's nuffin quite like buttahflies in yoor stumack" says she.

You know what they always say about a gut feeling.
You should listen to them.

("Let me outta heer, pleeeeeeez!!!
Pritty pleeeeeeeez?)


My GBGV Life said...

You just described Mom at our sports events when it is our turn. She is all nervous with butterflies in her stomach. She gets gut feelings and if she goes with them, we are successful, if not, she is always kicking herself for not listening to them.

Sandee said...

Dani is a very pretty girl who likes to eat butterflies.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a pretty napper you are sweet Dani!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dani; ewe look bee ewe tee uz two day N we cracked UP at yur joke !!! hay, tell sox we said HI !! ;) ♥♥