Monday, August 6, 2018


Dani's all gussied up again in her new favourite dress.

She figured out that if she just changed up the accessories that it gave her a whole new look.  So this time she chose a straw boater hat with pink banding and pink roses spilling over the brim.

"I guess yoo cud say I "rose" to de occashun" said she, though what occasion that is, exactly, I don't know.

"Duh!" she says.  "I'm not warin' a boatah hat fur nuffin, silly.  I'm goin' boatin' acourse."

"Wif my feddah'd furiend Mistah Owl, and den ...

... I'm gonna dance by da lite of da moon!

When the occasion arises, so does my Dani.

1 comment:

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dani yur new accessories are FABulous; but seriously, we HAVE TO talk about that whole bird
thing ~~~~~~~ hugs from dai$y =^..*= ♥♥♥