Friday, January 10, 2025


 We are happy to be back, finally.  Mom had a case of that new version of COVID.  Most times she was sleeping night and day except when it was painful.  And when she was awake she was out of it.  Luckily her brain has returned to close to normal.  It was a fast of fastness, if you get my drift.

Let me apologize if today's post is still not up to standard.  But here goes ...

Dani starts off with two, and June of Zoolatry follows on with two more.

Maxwell and Tinslee, both of Brian's Home make one appearance each.

Then Katie Isabella of Katie Isabella lives up to her sassy reputation.

Mudpie of Mochas,MysteriesandMeows has found a new passion.

Rudy from 15andMeowing likes having fingertips at his service.

Trixie and Shimshi of Purr-sonally Speaking are at odds over flashing.

Mr. Cal doggie of MessyMimisMeanderings is so thankful that he got to use his relief fund.

And finally, we have Eric an Flynn of Memories of Eric and Flynn who tie things up nicely in a show of togetherness.