Dani's leading off with our Valentine's Day post, harkening back to her previous heart-filled days from the first up to the present.
June of Zoolatry has disguised herself so her Mom won't find her and then give her a lecture on boxes afterwards.
Next up are Titan and Tyler of Brian's Home Forever. They are both going a little over-the-top for Valentine's Day.
Katie Isabella of Katie Isabella is basking in sunshine and softness with her Mom's purrmission.
Mudpie of Mochas,Mysteries,Meows is spending all her spare time on learning a new sport.
It's hard to get a straight answer out of Shimshi of Purr-sonally Speaking at the best of times. This isn't any better.
And finally, here is Flynn from Memories of Eric and Flynn who is a bit of a con kitty, or maybe more than a bit, if you count all the treats.
Even though my blog isn't totally decked out for Valentine's, we wish efurryone a Happy Day nonetheless.